Basic keys

  • G (grab) to move things (it gets attached to the cursor: use Esc or RMB to cancel).

  • F3: "action palette".

  • N: show new options, that I don’t know how to explain. Some extra tabs into the view (Item, Tool, View).

Camera basics

  • Press the camera icon (Numpad 0) to view through the camera.

  • Press G to move the camera (e.g. scroll wheel to zoom).

  • Make the camera move with the orbiting: press N to open some options on the side into the preview. Now: View → Lock Camera to View.

  • Align Camera to View: Ctrl+Alt+Numpad 0


  • Make the rendered image transparent by changing: Render Properties → Film → Transparent. The render properties are on the right panel, one of the first icons, shaped like a digital camera.

  • Change the rendered resolution in: Output Properties (printer-like icon on the right panel).